499 Search results

For the term "В чем состоит истинный смысл жизни детальнее bit.ly/psy3000".

How to Make Homework Meaningful for Students

This fall, as school districts scattered around the country are considering “no homework” policies, teacher educator Curtis Chandler looks at research on whether and how homework can support learning and suggests teaching apps to help make it short, meaningful, and accessible.

Helping Students Buy Into High Expectations

Jon Sapier’s High Expectations Teaching provides an overview of best practices for encouraging a growth mindset and includes scripts, links to videos, and checklists that teachers can use immediately. Educator Amy Williams finds the short book a good introduction.

How Open-Ended Math Problems Keep on Giving

Imagine an open-ended math task that gets students asking questions as well as answering them. Jerry Burkhart shows how a problem like this can help teachers differentiate instruction for advanced students while stimulating curiosity and perseverance for all learners.