649 Search results

For the term "Carlls Corner City Call 1-614-647-0039 Electrical service".

Bringing Symbols to Life with Fourth Graders

For Mary Tarashuk looking ahead toward her 4th graders’ learning in the new semester requires taking a glance back, in an attempt to assess their progress so far and set worthy goals for the journey to come. Holiday cards from Emma, Lila and Mooish show her the way.

Teaching Climate Change in the Middle Grades

Facilitating science-based research around real world problems empowers students through the skills they acquire and the subject knowledge they gain, says teacher Angela Duke. And what better topic than climate change? “The environment of the future will be theirs to live in.”

Building Comprehension Using Leveled Texts

Jennifer Serravallo’s new book will help teachers become more cognizant of their students’ literacy needs and better prepared to meet those needs effectively. Reviewer and preservice coach Linda Biondi praises Serravallo’s student-centered approach to book leveling.

How We Can Help Our Students Remember Stuff

Few things are more frustrating for students (and their teachers) than having a concept or skill that has already been learned ‘leak’ out the brain and disappear. Curtis Chandler explains how those leaks happen and what teachers can do to counter them. Suggested apps and tools included!

Helping Students Who Do Poorly on Purpose

Doing Poorly on Purpose by G&T specialist Dr. James Delisle explores how to help smart students who do poorly in school. Many of the ideas can be effective with any student, says teacher Elizabeth OBrien. Strategies include reaching underachievers and “selective customers.”

A Comprehensive Look at Responsive Literacy

Responsive Literacy’s 400 pages are well worth the read, writes Linda Biondi. Each of the contributing teacher educators present a theoretical framework and practical tools to apply in the classroom and guidance on how to help young students develop a love of literacy. Five stars.