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Deep Learning Strategies for Online Math Classes

Pandemic teaching has led grades 5/6 math teacher Mona Iehl to adapt proven practices from her regular classroom for her virtual teaching. Using the Nearpod app, she prioritizes community building and discussion while simplifying lesson designs. Her video shows her strategies in action!

Students Have Hybrid Tips for Teachers

Middle schoolers share what they think teachers need to know about hybrid learning, with tips for improving learning in the mix of in-person and online classes. It’s the experiences at home – being heard, having time to use tech properly – that garner the most criticism.

How to Audit Your K-12 Literacy Curriculum

Evaluating the K-12 Literacy Curriculum is a valuable resource for facilitating teams through the overwhelming yet vital task of auditing programs, materials and instructional approaches, writes educator Abby Markley, noting its user friendly organization.

5 Reasons to Journal Online with Students

Online journaling offers students a place to document feelings, thoughts, and reactions to a variety of texts while they make personal, social and academic connections with their teacher. Rose and Walsh offer a process that can strengthen conferencing now and after Covid.

Roadside Assistance from the District Office

As school leaders navigate challenging times, roadside assistance from higher-ups can be invaluable. Award-winning middle school principal Jessica Cabeen shares five practices she’s developed to make sure the paths of communication and support stay open now and in the future.

Cris Tovani: Use These 6Ts to Deepen Learning

Teacher, author and adolescent literacy consultant Cris Tovani guides us through her 6Ts (Topic, Target, Task, Text, Time, and Tending) as she tells the story of her first virtual literacy workshop – with 7th graders who are studying the Sahara Desert. Engagement? CYA!