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Teach Climate Change Through Positive Action

Middle school science educator and Albert Einstein Distinguished Education Fellow Joshua Sneideman and energy education specialist Erin Twamley share seven ways that teachers and schools can involve students in climate change studies. Included: Project ideas.

Creating Citizens in the History Classroom

Sarah Cooper’s Creating Citizens will ignite a passion for discovery, challenge students to seek information from wide ranging sources, and help them apply their learning and form their own opinions about history, civics and current events, writes Linda Biondi.

Assess Students Using Projects & Performance

Whether it’s performing as a person from history or working on a community problem with others, an assessment that gets students to dig deep into content will result in more rigorous learning, writes consultant Barbara Blackburn. She shares examples to get kids started.

4 Ideas Help New ELA Teachers Start Strong

After considering his early years as an English teacher, looking at research and talking with teachers and administrators, teacher educator Sean Ruday shares four recommendations to help new ELA teachers’ first years in the classroom be as successful as possible.

A Helpful Field Guide for Beginning Teachers

Tina H. Boogren takes beginning teachers in their first years through the phases they can expect: anticipation, survival, disillusionment, rejuvenation, and reflection. Teacher educator Linda Biondi finds Boogren’s recollections of her novice teaching particularly helpful.

Helping Striving Readers Become Thriving Readers

To reach the student who hasn’t made that essential positive connection with reading, you can do no better than apply the ideas detailed by Stephanie Harvey and Annie Ward in From Striving to Thriving. Reviewer Linda Biondi recommends having a box of tissues handy.