498 Search results

For the term "Какому из видов пожарной техники относится автомобиль порошкового тушения детальнее bit.ly/psy3000".

3 Shifts Can Invigorate Our Grammar Instruction

Ready to leave Granny’s snooze-inducing grammar lessons behind? Three simple yet powerful changes in grammar instruction can make a big difference in how students use grammar as a creative tool to shape their writing, says literacy coach and teaching consultant Patty McGee.

How Your Students Can Create TED-Style Talks

Lauren Buell’s 8th grade ELA team works with students on a comprehensive unit that helps all participants develop speaking, listening, writing, reading and life skills as they prepare end-of-year TED-style talks. She shares the unit’s impact once students enter high school.

Filling Your Classroom with Deliberate Optimism

Given the challenges educators are facing today, Silver and Berckemeyer’s new edition of Deliberate Optimism could not be more timely. Kathie Palmieri finds lots to like, including a new focus on mental health, Silver’s humor, and the message that teachers “have to take our power back.”

Use Podcasting to Teach Fluency, Explore Genre

Middle schoolers encounter and process information in ever-changing ways, writes teacher Jason DeHart, who uses podcasting opportunities in his ELA classroom to teach fluency, explore genre, and engage with authors and authentic audiences. Learn about his six-step strategy.

Handling Tragedy and Crisis in the Classroom

Prior to 9/11, Barbara Blackburn’s first choice when crisis and tragedy impacted the classroom was to allow an open discussion. After an inappropriate statement by a student shut down communication, she began to develop more tractable writing strategies, which she shares here.

A Single Open Math Task Can Work for Every Student

Teacher and coach Mona Iehl shows how using one high quality math task enables educators to better meet all students’ needs without the alienating effects of some differentiation strategies such as ability grouping or creating activities at varying degrees of difficulty.

Wellness? Productivity? Meet While You Walk!

Walking meetings are not only a good wellness strategy, they’re great for brain-storming, problem-solving and increasing productivity, writes teacher and school leader Kasey Short. The change in scenery, relaxed atmosphere and movement can be like a “reboot” for body and mind.

Reclaim the Joy in Education This Fall

Debbie Silver and Jack Berckemeyer have updated Deliberate Optimism to help educators resolve unsustainable stress levels by adapting their immediately implementable ideas for making each school day better. Written with humor and practicality, says teacher leader Sarah Cooper.