706 Search results

For the term "Cab".

The 10-Minute Vocabulary Lesson

Brief encounters with academic vocabulary can add hundreds of words to a student’s collection every year. How to find the time for those short lessons in a busy school day? Marilee Sprenger shares ten possibilities in this guest article.

How We Write Out Loud: Envisioning Hugo Cabret

Having helped her students visualize scenes and characters during read alouds, Mary Tarashuk tries the same idea with writing. She and her students “write aloud” as they create text to match the opening illustrations from The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Then they envision their own stories.

Reinvent Vocabulary Instruction

In addition to its comprehensive, CCSS-friendly approach to integrating vocabulary lessons into literacy curriculum, Word Nerds: Teaching All Students to Learn and Love Vocabulary is also fun for students, says reviewer Linda Biondi.

Teach Vocabulary Effectively

Vocabulary Strategies That Work: Do This – Not That! is an excellent book for all teachers who want to strengthen students’ grasp of the vocabulary associated with their subject, says ELA teacher Brooke Schultz.