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What Gifted 9th Graders Said about Middle School

Recognizing that his gifted ninth graders possessed a fresh perspective on their middle school teacher experience, veteran educator and author Jim Delisle asked his classes to share their thoughts. What he learned may not surprise you, but it’s certainly food for thought.

Kids Speak Out on Student Engagement

You might look at Heather Wolpert-Gawron’s table of contents in “Just Ask Us” and think that you’ve seen these topics before. You have – but you likely haven’t seen them all in one place, enhanced by the rich voices and wisdom of our students. says teacher Sarah Cooper.

STEM Guideposts Help Show the Way

STEM Lesson Guideposts offers detailed guidance to teachers on how to help students integrate the STEM disciplines and apply what they are learning by designing units that use real-world problems. Student teacher supervisor Linda Biondi highly recommends the book.

Listening Closely to Student Math Talk

Michelle Russell knows that listening to math talk can help students solidify their thinking and recall. Now she’s begun to realize how much improvements in her own listening skills could help her with assessment of learning. Check out the helpful resources she found.

How Standardized Testing Is Like Airline Thinking

The only student test data that really matters, says education consultant Debbie Silver, is timely, diagnostic information telling educators what their students know and can or cannot do. With that data, they can plan instruction and fine-tune teaching practice.

Violence and Tragedy in Current Events Class

Each day in Sarah Cooper’s 8th grade U.S. history class, they begin with a 5-minute discussion of current events. The sheer number of mass attacks in the United States this semester has pummeled Sarah and her students. She ponders how she and other teachers can continue to respond.

Use Maps & Mapmaking in Your ELA Classroom

Maps and mapmaking can help bring visual “connector points” to ELA lessons, says teacher Kevin Hodgson, serving as writing prompts, aids in teaching novels, reflection/assessment tools, and more. Learn some of the ways he uses both digital and hand-drawn maps in class.

Picture Book Biographies for the Middle Grades

What’s one of the most fun ways to introduce students to a new science concept, a historical era, or a math idea? A picture book biography! NBCT and media specialist Christina Dorr suggests tying them to standards, using them as read alouds, or for individual student motivation.