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Developing the “Why” for Middle Grades Math

Math students in the middle grades want the truth: “Why should math matter to me?” To show them, curriculum leader Christian Polizzi suggests making real-world connections, asking students for examples in their own lives, and having them create “personalized” math problems.

3 Tools to Help Develop the Talents in Every Kid

Rather than label just some kids talented, we need a new approach that serves all children, writes performance coach Lee Hancock. Among his strategies: embracing failure as progress, spending time in deep practice, and fostering in kids a love for their own special interests.

Paying It Forward: Why We All Need Mentors

Whether it’s our students or our colleagues, the mentor relationship is a win-win for mentor and mentee. As mentors, we can realize a unique personal fulfillment and grow as a listener, a coach, a friend, a leader. And one day, our mentees may decide to “pay it forward.”

For New Teachers: How to Keep Kids on Task

Effective class management begins with dynamic planning and engagement, writes instructional specialist Miriam Plotinsky. Teachers who focus not just on delivering information but responding to student feedback in the moment can avoid “helicopter teacher” syndrome. Here’s how.

Try Café Conversations for Deeper Learning

Want a fun way to turn student talk into deeper learning? Teacher Kelly Owens serves up tips and resources for Café Conversations, showing how students’ need to talk can become on-task, productive, and reflective when they encounter this welcoming cross-curricular strategy.

Answers to Questions Reading Teachers Ask

Christina Nosek, a teacher and literacy staff developer, engages readers with a collection of important concepts with answered questions on the foundation of the reading classroom. Literacy coach Pam Hamilton says the easy read is great for a summer professional reading stack.

Keys to Questioning for Formative Feedback

Questioning for Formative Feedback by Jackie Acree Walsh is full of insightful, thought provoking, and practical ways to infuse a classroom with formative questioning, encourage dialogue, and lead to deeper learning for students. A great professional learning adventure!