734 Search results

For the term "www.hdwgs.fun".

Media Literacy: Video As Primary Source

Video documentation is a powerful tool in news reporting, whether it’s done by professional journalists or by ordinary people with instant access to video cameras. Frank Baker looks at the history of news video as a “primary source” for historians and middle grades teachers.

Rough Draft Math: Revising to Learn

Self-confidence is hugely important in learning math. Amanda Jansen shows how teachers can help students embrace a “revising to learn” approach, gaining confidence and understanding. Teacher Michael Hernandez says the book will help him create a safe space to make mistakes and grow.

Fun Weekly Challenges Kept School Spirit Alive

How can we keep a positive school climate and culture during remote learning? Chris Edwards, the 7th grade assistant principal at Kreps Middle School, created a grade-wide Google Classroom for students and teachers and staged weekly competitions best described as crazy and fun. It worked!

Build STEAMy Music Instruments at Home

When stay-at-home kids (or students) need an engaging project to grab their interest, introduce them to creating STEAM-y musical instruments they can craft from household items. STEM educator Anne Jolly shares ways to help 4-8 graders try out ocean drums, panpipes and more.

Book-in-a-Bag Talks Let Kids Tout Books They Love

Add dimension to student book talks with Lynne Dorfman’s version of the Book-in-a-Bag project. And it works online, as students introduce their books by sharing a paper bag covered in images they recreate from fiction or nonfiction and by pulling out representative objects.