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For the term "В чем состоит истинный смысл жизни детальнее bit.ly/psy3000".

Teaching Science with Engaging Picture Books

“Perfect Pairs” uses fiction and nonfiction life science books to promote inquiry learning in grades 3-5. The 20 richly detailed, standards-aligned lessons can help any teacher engage students in exploration, fact-gathering and deduction, says 4th grade veteran Linda Biondi.

17 Ideas to Help Combat Learned Helplessness

Some teaching practices help strengthen students’ self-efficacy, motivation and confidence, while others create learned helplessness. Author-consultant Sarah Tantillo identifies 17 common teaching actions that lead to student inertia and offers better alternatives.

If, When and How to Use Video in the Classroom

Curtis Chandler can’t help but worry a bit about the ‘video-fication’ of our students. Is academic progress being hindered by excessive and ineffective video use? He identifies best practices and several tech tools that can help make sure videos augment learning.