1118 Search results

For the term "Lone Wolf City phone number 1-800-792-3367 Electrical service installations".

How to Be Sure You Are a Caring Teacher

The Caring Teacher asks educators to reexamine how and why they teach the way they do, to record reflections, questions and thoughts toward the goal of reducing bias and increasing student success. Linda Biondi believes every moment spent in reflection will be worth it.

Find the Bright Spots: A Virtual STEAM Story

Science consultant Kathy Renfrew hopes we can shift our attention away from “remediation” by building on the bright spots we’ve experienced during pandemic teaching. She shares the story of a STEAM engineering design project and how it was adapted for distance learning.

Personal Connections. Essential Standards.

In a school year when frustration, fatigue and uncertainty make teaching and learning an unprecedented challenge, principal Rita Platt is leading her staff to focus on two top priorities: (1) limit instruction to essential standards, and (2) build personal connections with EVERY student.

Cultivating Genius: An Equity Framework

Gholdy Muhammad shows how educators can achieve a transformation in equitable education by implementing a framework of Historically Responsive Literacy based in identity development, skill development, intellectual development, and criticality, writes teacher Nicole Warchol.