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For the term "cheap airline tickets from south africa to tokyo japan phone number 1-800-299-7264".

How Many? A Counting Book for Everyone

Educators and parents alike will find How Many? A Counting Book a beautiful adventure in learning about how children can grapple with the complexities of mathematical reasoning in relatively simple terms using everyday objects, says history (?!) teacher Michael DiClemente.

Follow Early Humans to Global Expansion

Inquiry-Based Lessons in World History is a practical set of adaptable lesson plans and ideas starting with early humans. The book is ready for the classroom. Social studies teacher Stephanie Gilbert recommends the book to fellow history teachers.

Use a 4-Step Countdown to Launch Math Lingo

Like a rocket launch, learning math lingo requires plenty of ongoing, personalized checkpoints. Author and instructional coach Pam Koutrakos offers a streamlined, easily replicable process we can all use to help middle grades students prepare to take off with math vocabulary.

Classroom Podcasting for the Middle Grades

Podcasting is exploding, and teachers are discovering that listening to and producing podcasts are great ways to promote deeper learning. Former NPR reporter Monica Brady-Myerov shares the whys and hows of engaging kids in their own projects, with examples and resources.

Using Arts Integration to Spark Engagement

Finding techniques to engage students in the learning process is critical for school success. Engaging Creative Minds, a city-based non-profit, facilitates teamwork among artists, scientists and teachers to create lessons that target challenging academics in lively ways.