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Techniques to Refresh Teaching

Teach Like a Champion Field Guide: A Practical Resource to Make the 49 Techniques Your Own by Doug Lemov provides new and useful information “to refresh my classroom teaching,” says reviewer Susan Shaver.

ESL Instruction That Works

Minding the Achievement Gap One Classroom at a Time by Jane E. Pollock, Sharon M. Ford and Margaret M. Black is a great resource for implementing Classroom Instruction That Works strategies for ESL/ELL students, says ESL teacher Julie Dermody.

Leadership for RTI

What Every School Leader Needs to Know about RTI, a book for school leaders by Margaret Searle, “provides the steps and framework necessary to seamlessly apply the RTI approach within our schools,” says reviewer Linda Biondi.

Reading in the Content Areas

Teaching Reading in the Content Areas: If Not Me, Then Who? provides useful hands-on tools for frustrated content-area teachers who ask, “How can I teach reading? I’m a (fill in the blank) teacher!”, says reviewer Sharon Nelson.