3550 Search results

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Respect for Young Writers

Beyond the Five Paragraph Essay by Kimberly Hill Campbell and Kristi Latimer provides a process, plan & writing formats “that breathe life back into student writing,” says teacher-reviewer Liz Wisniewski.

Becoming a Together Teacher

The Together Teacher™: Plan Ahead, Get Organized, and Save Time! by Maia Heyck-Merlin helps readers recognize that being organized “is a means to an end –strong student outcomes and more free time,” says reviewer Beth Fabijanic.

Unique and Necessary

In our second review of The Together Teacher, popular blogger Ariel Sacks says the organizational advice from Maia Heyck-Merlin suits her busy but Type B teacher-leader life.

My No-Bunk Letter to Parents

Middle school teacher Marsha Ratzel wants parents to know exactly what their children can expect in her classroom: challenge, support and concern.

Tech Basics & Beyond

Doug Johnson’s The Classroom Teacher’s Technology Survival Guide can help classroom teachers gain knowledge and perspective but some content may be heavy going for novices, says reviewer Rhonda Leduc.

Humanity’s Apprentices

Reading Opening Minds: Using Language to Change Lives, Peter H. Johnston’s wonderful book about teaching children, reviewer Kimberley Moran “felt something in my brain crack wide open.”