734 Search results

For the term "www.hdwgs.fun".

Using Arts Integration to Spark Engagement

Finding techniques to engage students in the learning process is critical for school success. Engaging Creative Minds, a city-based non-profit, facilitates teamwork among artists, scientists and teachers to create lessons that target challenging academics in lively ways.

Bring Focus and Fun to Academic Vocabulary

Sometimes learning can get lost in a maze of academic vocabulary. As students move through the school day, they encounter hundreds of terms/concepts in a variety of contexts and content areas. How to help? Curtis Chandler shares lots of options for ELA and ELL teachers.

A Workshop Model for Science, Social Studies

The workshop model moves beyond literacy in Inquiry Illuminated. The authors present science and social studies in a workshop framework, engaging students from research to presentation. Literacy specialist Andrea Doyon recommends the detailed book to teachers and districts.

5 Adaptable Activities That Really Engage Readers

In the new school year ELA teachers are looking for fresh ideas to encourage students to read closely and think deeply. Here are five adaptable activities from teacher-author and NBCT Marilyn Pryle to add to your toolbox and keep students creatively interacting with texts.

Breaking Out of the White Teacher Bubble

Meaning well and teaching well are not the same – a painful truth that ELA teacher Dina Strasser’s exponential learning about race has helped her realize. She uses the story of her unit based on Gary Paulsen’s “Nightjohn” to underscore the difference between intent and impact.

Math Play with Patterns and Relationships

Math educator and consultant Jerry Burkhart is back with more playful ideas for the mathematics classroom! Diagrams that show relationships between operations and numbers create engaging and meaningful opportunities for students to have fun exploring mathematical concepts. He offers lots of examples to get you and your students started.