559 Search results

For the term "Electrical serviceΒ to house πŸ“² πŸ™β€”πŸ πŸ˜πŸ˜β€”πŸŸπŸ‘πŸšβ€”πŸ›πŸ›πŸžπŸŸ πŸ”Œ Clinton".

If, When and How to Use Video in the Classroom

Curtis Chandler can’t help but worry a bit about the β€˜video-fication’ of our students. Is academic progress being hindered by excessive and ineffective video use? He identifies best practices and several tech tools that can help make sure videos augment learning.

Good Intro Lessons for Teaching Complex Texts

Nancy Dean’s “Finding Voice” will help teachers in grades 4-6 supplement their studies of complex text using brief, compelling mentor texts as they study word choice, detail, imagery, figurative language and tone. Reviewer Linda Biondi likens it to “a GPS system.”

How I Became a Better Teacher in Macedonia

During her 27 months teaching English in a Macedonian village school, Peace Corps volunteer Jordan Lucas learned a lot about the relationship between culture and learning – insights that will help her be a better language educator. It all began with a kombi ride.

How to Succeed as a Cooperating Teacher

Author and veteran teacher educator Ann Weber outlines 3 key supervisory steps – preparation, coaching and evaluation – that can help cooperating teachers shine in their advisory roles and assure new teachers are ready to launch their careers in the middle grades.

Join the Whitakers for Your First Year

A few months into your first year teaching and ready for on-point advice? Todd, Katherine and Madeline Whitaker’s common-sense advice in Your First Year can both inspire you and help keep you on the right track. Linda Biondi thinks veterans will find it useful too.

Modeling: What Students See Is What They Get

In the classroom, writes author and teaching expert Barbara Blackburn, students are influenced by three things they observe: the teacher as role model; the physical environment; and other role models teachers introduce. Good tips for new and preservice educators.

A Rich Literacy Plan for Well-Resourced Parents

Margaret Mary Policastro provides solid background on best practices for home literacy, says reading specialist Judy Harris. But Harris finds the book short on good advice for families that lack the resources and services more typical of upscale neighborhoods.