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Ideas to Integrate Poetry Throughout the Year

Megan Kelly always intends to integrate poetry across her units, but somehow ends up scrambling each year as National Poetry Month approaches. This fall she has a list of activities to hold herself accountable. Try some of her ideas in your own ELA, history, science or math classes.

The Innovator’s Mindset: Relentless Restlessness

You’ve heard of innovation, and you’ve heard of mindset, but what is an Innovator’s Mindset? School leader George Couros offers his manifesto on how we can change education, not with step-by-step instructions but by growing a teaching culture of “relentless restlessness.”

In the New School Year: Simplify, Unify, Multiply

A new school year brings excitement and organizational challenges. Expert Frank Buck suggests ways to streamline online communications, simplify classroom policies through teacher collaboration, and help kids develop as responsible members of a purposeful community.

Mindsets and Moves Help Readers Take Charge

In Mindsets and Moves, Gravity Goldberg shows how to change mindsets in our classrooms and how to move students from reading as work to reading as a pathway to learning. Educator Laura Von Staden recommends this well-written, thought-provoking book.

Building SEL Skills to Lessen Summer Slide

Every summer educators ask these questions: (1) How can we lessen summer learning loss? and (2) How can we help build students’ SEL skills? Sarah Tantillo and Meredith Murray share the story of a Summer Bridge program and some useful resources to address both questions.

Techniques and Tools to Teach Vocabulary

When it comes to vocabulary instruction, teachers have many, many questions, for example: “How can I fit vocabulary in? How should I pick the words? What should my quizzes look like?” Literacy consultant Sarah Tantillo provides answers to these questions and more.

Tread Carefully Into the Rocky Realm of Rubrics

Rubrics should clarify both teacher and student thinking, writes classroom assessment expert Rick Wormeli. They can help mentor students as they analyze and reflect on their work, but there are cautions in their use that effective teachers will take time to investigate.