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Lessons to Power Up Your Super Spellers

In his latest book, Super Spellers Starter Sets, Mark Weakland provides a classroom resource to support the principles he presented in 2017’s Super Spellers – that spelling should not simply be a list of words to know for a test but a learned skill essential to literacy.

Bringing Rigor and Engagement to Math and Science Classes

Authors Barbara Blackburn and Abbigail Armstrong give teachers a practical yet powerful classroom instructional tool for bringing rigor to Grades 6-12 math and science classrooms. Science educator Jennifer Sexton shares favorite strategies that will improve her practice.

How Voice and Choice Evolved in My Classroom

When Brent Gilson began teacher training he vowed to one day give his students more choice and voice than he ever had in school. Follow his journey from early experiments to his growing success, thanks to insights gained from mentors like Kylene Beers, Kelly Gallagher and Marisa Thompson.

Prep Your Students Now for STEM Summer Fun

The final bell of the year will soon ring, but teachers still have the opportunity to provide students with encouragement, tools, and an expectation to play, explore, and discover the world outside school. Curtis Chandler’s post overflows with STEM resources to do just that.

Teaching Assertiveness to Counter Meanness

In response to kids just being mean or in instances of downright bullying, teaching children to be calmly assertive can help. Rita Platt shares strategies that students can use to stand up for themselves and others – learning the difference between tattling and reporting.

Want Classroom Equity? Seek and Value Diversity

Low expectations and inequitable classrooms persist in many of America’s public schools, writes Regie Routman, author of Literacy Essentials: Engagement, Excellence and Equity for All Learners. Here’s what Routman believes educators must do to address this moral dilemma.

Quick Tips for New T’s – Managing Your Time

If you are a beginning teacher, wondering about time, survival guide author Julia Thompson has created a collection of quick tips that can help you maximize every minute at school, minimize the time you spend working at home, and keep from sabotaging your own strategies.