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Our 21 Most Popular Pandemic Posts

We’ve collected our 16 most-read posts with pandemic themes, from March 15 through today. Each has thousands of visits, retweets and shares. Check out our summaries and explore – there’s plenty here to help with fall planning and teaching. And keep watching for more!

Tap Out! Help Students Self-Assess Fast

For a fresh, fun way to quickly assess student progress, try having them “Tap Out!” in person or online. Kids can think about their efforts toward meeting a learning target, and teachers get ongoing formative assessment data, writes NBCT Rita Platt. Lots of tips and tools!

5 Steps Toward Cultural Competence in Schools

The slow burn of racial injustice has once again erupted in a blaze of protests – illuminating long-standing social, economic, and educational disparities and divisions. Only this time is different, writes Vernita Mayfield. And it demands cultural competency from every educator.

Survey: What Kids Said about Remote Learning

Responding to a survey by Rita Platt, middle graders reveal what worked and what didn’t for them during their spring of virtual learning: more freedom and free time warred with tech glitches, months without friends, and less time with teachers. Rita shares some things we might do better.