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For the term "Electrical serviceΒ to house πŸ“² πŸ™β€”πŸ πŸ˜πŸ˜β€”πŸŸπŸ‘πŸšβ€”πŸ›πŸ›πŸžπŸŸ πŸ”Œ Clinton".

This Year, Control Your Day the Easy Way

Make no mistake says productivity expert Frank Buck, how well we bring our vision for the school year to fruition rests upon the things we do on a daily basis. Getting organized by going digital is the overwhelmed educator’s best hope. Buck recommends Toodledo.

Six Ways to Talk with Students about Politics

Sarah Cooper’s spring U.S. history classes provided a dress rehearsal for the upcoming fall election season. Here are six classroom-tested strategies she plans to use during Constitution studies as her middle schoolers experience America’s often volatile political process first-hand.

Effective Differentiation in Grades 7 and Up

Educators who read “Best Practices at Tier 1” will look at curriculum differently, says ELA teacher Mark Domeier. With its tight focus on grades 7-12, the book clarifies how differentiation can work in classes characterized by student collaboration and group work.

Campaign Advertising: The Image Is Everything

If there is one thing that will influence voters more than anything else during Campaign 2016, it is the image. More than ever, what the voters see, not what they hear, has become paramount in getting elected. Frank Baker shares ad techniques students need to know.

Robb’s Reading Intervention Toolkit Delivers

Laura Robb, author, teacher, literacy coach, speaker and expert in literacy, has done it again in The Reading Intervention Toolkit. Reviewer Linda Biondi says the book will guide teachers in providing help for students who need it most: struggling readers.

12 Daily Touchstones Can Improve Our Teaching

Bryan Goodwin & Elizabeth Ross Hubbell make a compelling argument that teachers can improve their impact on student learning by using a “do-confirm” checklist based on 12 essential daily touchstones that represent current research on what works best. Pilots do!

School Leadership: How to Team with Families

Every principal needs to lead a coordinated schoolwide effort to interact with families in ways that support students, the school and the larger community. Former principals Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn offer a rich set of strategies to accomplish this goal.