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For the term "Какому из видов пожарной техники относится автомобиль порошкового тушения детальнее bit.ly/psy3000".

How UDL Can Help Us Elevate Our CoTeaching

The reality of teaching in a co-teacher role was sometimes a rough ride, writes author and co-teaching coach Elizabeth Stein. Three things helped keep her strong, and one of them proved to be the key to solving all her co-teaching puzzles: the Universal Design for Learning.

5 Things I’ll Remember When I Feel Unmotivated

Like many teachers during last year’s “post-Covid” return to school, middle school veteran Sarah Cooper slipped into the fog and funk and wondered if the joy in teaching was gone for good. Here’s how she wrenched herself through the dark time and found her groove again.

Using Poetry Pauses to Elevate Student Writing

Poetry “pauses” can become the heart and soul of English class AND address almost any reading and writing standard. Teacher-author Brett Vogelsinger shares three examples – poems that can help students extend their understanding of structure, character and personal narrative.

Why We Need to Invite Politics into Classrooms

It’s daunting to invite politics into the classroom. But when we do it right, students can learn to engage meaningfully with people who see the world very differently. Kent Lenci has tips to help the conversations thrive, including developing media literacy and supporting SEL.

5 Tips to Welcome and Engage Our Newcomers

Writing from her background in working with students who were born outside of the U.S and are new to the country, the language, the culture, and the school system, Dr. Stephanie Dewing shares five tips to engage these newcomers. Included: assets-based language development.

Opening the Doors to Girls’ STEM Success

We have a severe shortage of tech workers that’s growing geometrically. Today, women make up just 27% of people in STEM careers. How do we finally get girls fully engaged in STEM? Anne Jolly shares a series of questions and tips that can guide STEM teachers and school leaders.