159 Search results

For the term "Barbara Blackburn".

Questioning, Discussion and Student Feedback

Here are MiddleWeb’s 12 most popular articles about asking quality questions in class, scaffolding student discussions, and gathering formative feedback from kids through dialogue. Learn from Jackie Walsh, Valentina Gonzalez, Barbara Blackburn, Curtis Chandler and more!

21 Deep Dives Good for Summer PD Reading

The 2021-22 school year came with all the expected sound and fury, and for many of us, weariness and low spirits. Now summer’s here and MiddleWeb has pulled together a diverse set of deep-dive PD articles you might have missed. They’re insightful, informative and actionable!

Restoring Momentum After a Turbulent Year

After another school year weighed down by a wide range of challenges, education consultants Ronald Williamson and Barbara R. Blackburn offer school-based leaders a path to restore momentum in their school and revitalize their community’s commitment to a collaborative vision.

Motivating Teachers in Challenging Times

Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn have advice that can help school leaders stay attuned to today’s constantly changing school environment, recognize the stress of external factors, and use strategies that encourage teachers’ intrinsic motivation and sense of self-efficacy.

How to Keep the Rigor in Differentiated Lessons

When differentiation and rigor are intertwined the result helps all students learn at high levels. Combining the two is not more work, it’s more effective, says teaching consultant Barbara R. Blackburn. Using a content literacy lesson, she shares her three-group strategy.

Celebrate with Staff as a Challenging Year Ends

The end of every school year is always frantic. Especially this year, plan year-end celebrations that reflect your school’s values and recognize everything the staff has done to assure a successful school year, recommend Ronald Williamson and Barbara R. Blackburn.

How Leaders Can Cope With the Unexpected

School leaders often find themselves coping with unexpected events that create turbulence and uncertainty. During the pandemic, these challenges have expanded and intensified. Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn share six researched steps to help leaders respond effectively.

Learning Portraits Help Differentiate Teaching

Want to differentiate instruction while assuring rigor? Create a 3-D portrait of each of your students using a mix of formal and informal strategies. Teaching expert Barbara Blackburn has tips for gathering insights about background knowledge, culture, and growth mindset.