706 Search results

For the term "Cab".

Use Inquiry Charts to Boost Student Research

When you ask students to research a topic, what happens? Chances are some students will struggle. The authors explain how they use Inquiry Charts to help middle grades students navigate the pitfalls of research and also develop agency as researchers and knowledge builders.

A Way to Increase Free Reading Outside of Class

Free Reading Friday has transformed Laurie Miller Hornik’s 7th grade class into a reading community, without having to cut back on whole-class text studies. Students arrive on Fridays ready to talk and write about the free reading they’ve done outside of school during the week.

100-Word Stories to Support SLIFE Literacy

100-Word Stories is a valuable resource, providing a structured yet flexible framework that serves as a tool to enrich language instruction and a catalyst for exploration and creative expression in the classroom. It will be especially valuable to her SLIFE learners, writes Melinda Stewart.

How Reader’s Theater Builds Reading Fluency

“Build Reading Fluency: Practice and Performance with Reader’s Theater and More” by Timothy Rasinski and Chase Young is a great resource to connect reading instruction, assessment and joy by sharing both the research and the practice, writes educator Claire Stein.

3 Ways to Relieve Back to School ‘Overwhelm’

In Julie Hasson’s annual back to school dream, she’s trying to organize thousands of rubber ducks in a rushing river. Fortunately she has strategies for dealing with that sense of being overwhelmed. They begin with a well-sorted to-do list and a focus on realistic optimism.

Tracing the Cultures of Hispanic Americans

For over 50 years the United States has commemorated the achievements of Hispanic and Latinx Americans as well as learned about the discrimination they have faced over centuries. MiddleWeb’s resource collection can help students learn more about this rich and complex heritage.

Differentiate with the Station Rotation Model

Rotation stations can help differentiate instruction as teachers prepare middle graders for an upcoming unit or topic or support re-teaching and enrichment after completing a unit of study. Dr. Laura Robb details one teacher’s strategies in an ELA classroom with 28 students.

Using Active Learning with Middle Schoolers

When asked to help implement health/biology curriculum, the authors decided to focus on active learning strategies that succeeded in exciting and engaging the adolescent girls in their classes. They conclude that well-designed hands-on learning is worth the extra time and effort.