498 Search results

For the term "Какому из видов пожарной техники относится автомобиль порошкового тушения детальнее bit.ly/psy3000".

7 Tech Tools for Fast Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is good practice, as every teacher knows, says tech consultant Curtis Chandler, but finding time to measure individual student understanding is challenging. Chandler offers seven apps that can make the practice both routine and engaging.

Cage-Busting Teachers Go After Solutions

Educators who read policy pundit Rick Hess’s new book The Cage-Busting Teacher will find plenty to disagree with, says instructional specialist Curtis Chandler, but “they will also learn quite a bit about their potential and influence as an educator.”

Reinvent Summer Learning: Make It Up!

STEM by Design blogger Anne Jolly knows summer time can be productive learning time. In this letter to parents and caregivers, she shares fun ideas about Maker projects that encourage curiosity, creativity, persistence and teamwork. Resource links included.

Taking Poetry Writing into Digital Spaces

Using Google Slides for poetry writing proved to be a win-win for Kevin Hodgson and his 6th graders, who tried out various poetic forms, used technology to publish original writing, applied elements of web design, and learned to attribute the work of others.

A School Where Inquiry Flourishes

With its inquiry focus, Learning for Real reminded reviewer Linda Biondi of “the value of teaching thinking strategies, connecting content learning and content literacy, and making my classroom a place where my students’ passion for learning is evident.”

When Race Enters the Classroom Conversation

When one of Kevin Hodgson’s 6th graders asked about using the “n” word, his class fell silent. In this Working Draft post, he shares the mini-lesson he responded with and also the resources he’s since found to help students build an understanding of racism and the evolution of language.

Can Games Really Make Kids Smarter?

In sharing his own journey through the world of educational gaming, former teacher and USA Today reporter Greg Toppo helps readers consider both the potential and the possible pitfalls of game-enhanced learning, says sixth grade teacher Kevin Hodgson.