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The Top Skill We Can Teach Our Students

It’s at the precise moment when students are bombarded by facts, whether historical or current, that we need to be especially vigilant, writes American history and current events teacher Sarah Cooper, paraphrasing historian Sam Wineburg. Sifting through sources has become a life skill.

Build STEM Skills Now: Try Citizen Science!

Count on it, writes STEM educator Anne Jolly, spring is almost here and your students’ energy and concentration are about to start slipping. Nice weather and seasonal events interfere with lesson continuity. How can you snag your kids’ interest again? Citizen science!

How to Make Sure Your Word Study Sticks

If literacy coach Pam Hamilton had to choose one word to describe Word Study That Sticks, a book about words, she would select “fabulous”! Hamilton finds it is also practical, teacher-friendly, and colorful with lessons and activities across content areas.

How We Can Fix Faulty Background Knowledge

Good teachers ‘stir the pot’ to activate student background knowledge before a new lesson. But what if student understandings are flawed? Teacher educator Curtis Chandler has research-based tips to help detect and fix the faults. Plus some tech tools that can add fun to the process.

A Caring Principal’s Tips for Lawnmower Parents

Lawnmower parents have an irresistible urge to clear away all the stress and struggle for their children. The result, says principal and NBCT Rita Platt, can be kids who don’t learn to mow their own paths. Read her tips for parents, educators, and the kiddos themselves.

Overcoming Myths about “Being Good at Math”

Imagine the long-term benefits if teachers, schools, and educator prep programs address the issue of mathematical confidence in a systematic and vigorous way. Jerry Burkhart looks at causes of low “math self-esteem” among kids and teachers and outlines potential cures.

Game Changer! Assuring Book Access for All Kids

Donalyn Miller and Colby Sharp make the case for dedicated independent reading time and choice in books for all students in all schools – and they push back hard against narrow reading spectrums and the misuse of book leveling, writes 6th grade teacher Kevin Hodgson.