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Staying Focused When Lesson Plans Fall Apart

Middle school is SO spontaneous. How can teachers ensure opportunities to help students think critically, collaborate, and engage in the scholarly discourse we put in the lesson plan? Libby Woodfin shares 3 “ABCs of deeper instruction” that can help. Videos too!

On the Very First Day (Be the Best You Can Be)

It’s the first day of school and your middle level students are acting like, well, adolescents. You’ve got to hook them quick, says teacher Elyse Scott. Forget the pre-tests and paperwork. Jump in and let them know how exciting your classroom universe is going to be.

Managing Learning in the Active Classroom

Management in the Active Classroom is a unique behavior-oriented resource. Few other books offer specific strategies that help the teacher provide structure while still honoring the dignity of every student. Jodi and Matt Renwick recommend it for every school.

Media Literacy in Today’s Social Studies Class

The NCSS revised Position Statement on Media Literacy supports engaging students in inquiry and analysis as well as developing their understanding of media and propaganda. Frank W. Baker shows how students can evaluate the flood of fake news and the Fall election.

Turn Writers Workshop Into a Maker Space

Angela Stockman’s attitude of respect and awe for students flows from the pages of “Make Writing” and inspires teachers to think differently about their approach to writing instruction. Amber Chandler recommends this easy-to-follow, forward thinking “making” guide.

How Rich Teaching Can Help Poor Students

Eric Jensen provides research plus easy-to-implement strategies around 4 key mindsets for learning – relational, achievement, classroom climate, and engagement – that can help poor students succeed. Consultant Anne Anderson calls it “must” summer reading.