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How to Empower Students as Questioners

Jackie Acree Walsh’s Empowering Students as Questioners provides teachers with the skills, strategies and structures to help each learner reach their potential by transforming their understanding of questioning, writes 5th grade teacher Kathleen Palmieri.

The Ditmas 9/11 Project Rejects “Learning Loss”

Middle school educators at Brooklyn’s Ditmar IS 62 chose to overcome “learning loss” by engaging their sixth, seventh and eighth graders in a long-range project documenting the tragic story of 9/11 through research, oral family and community history and literacy activities.

Reading for Pleasure Helps Keep Us Healthy

The positive physical, cognitive and mental benefits of reading for pleasure might convince overworked educators that diving into your favorite fiction or hobby books can be guilt free – even therapeutic! Stephanie Affinito shares the research, the rationale, and the method.

Choosing Quality Books That Raise Awareness

Tween and YA books are more dynamic than ever and offer readers avenues for pleasure, reflection, adventure, and emotional engagement, writes Lynne Dorfman. Many choices are also “socially conscious” and deserve a prime spot in class libraries. She has gr4-8 ideas!

The Magic of Math: Fun with Final Activities

The school year is winding down and the prescribed math curriculum is in its final pages. A perfect time for NBCT Kathleen Palmieri to offer her fifth graders activities that use the magic of math to help review concepts and skills and encourage mathematical conversations.

Math Curriculum for Gifted Sixth Graders

Math Curriculum for Gifted Students (Grade 6): Lessons, Activities and Extensions is a great resource for pull-out math and afterschool enrichment, differentiation in the regular or gifted classroom, and more, writes middle grades Exceptional Student educator Laura Von Staden.

Giving Our Students the Key to the School

How do we give students the key to success in school? In every aspect of assessment, teachers engage and empower them by offering opportunities for student voice, choice, self-assessment and self-reporting, writes ASCD bestselling author and school leader Myron Dueck.

Solving Challenges Teachers Face Now

Discover solutions to common class and school challenges in Education Write Now, Volume III, which brings together the expertise of ten writers. It’s a perfect book for right now as teachers deal with extra stress and search for quick and effective solutions, writes Linda Biondi.