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5 Ways to Assure Quality Exposure to New Words

What’s one of the best things a school day can offer? Exposure to newly learned words – provided that exposure is in context, well-timed, multisensory, and question-based. Literacy expert Amy Benjamin suggests five ways to achieve these “durable learning” goals.

Introducing Music to All – In All of Our Schools

Frank Buck remembers the joy of playing the Tonette with 4th grade classmates. Today, any teacher with access to a set of iPads and a free app can introduce all students to elements of music, enjoy the kids’ hands-on sound experiments, and build engagement and a more vibrant classroom culture.

Staying Student-Centered in Whole Novel Study

Ariel Sacks’ Whole Novels for the Whole Class is “the ultimate teacher-friendly manual for accommodating all students around a single book,” says ELA veteran Mary Tedrow, who finds Sacks’ practical specificity convincing and her confidence infectious.

“The Together Leader” Gets a Real Road Test

Veteran principal Matt Renwick discovers it’s not too late to become a more organized and effective school leader as he gives the step-by-step advice in Maia Heyck-Merlin’s “The Together Leader: Get Organized for Your Success and Sanity!” a real road test.