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Using Socratic Methods in the Classroom

Socratic Methods in the Classroom offers a bevy of theories behind the practice and templates and tips for educators to prepare to dive into this method as a way to help students demonstrate their knowledge and consider other points of view, writes teacher educator Laurie Bobley.

Learning Through Play: Perfect for Middle School

When we use verbal, imaginative, and conceptual play as touchstones for our planning and teaching in middle school, we help students look forward to learning and school itself, say educators Chris and Katie Cunningham. Their idea-rich post offers many jumping-off points.

Renew Your Classroom Community in January

Taking time to refresh your classroom space, renew positive relationships and reinforce routines you established in the fall is time well-spent the first week back in January. Consultant Stacey Shubitz also recommends getting a head start on the new year with some December prep.

What We Can Learn While We’re Grading

Grading never goes away. But what if we approach it as a form of personal PD? Teacher Lauren Brown traces how a history assignment evolved over four years as she paid close attention to what stymied her 8th graders and adapted her instruction to support their learning.

Five-Step, Never-Fail Character Sketching

Why is NBCT Marilyn Pryle’s “never-fail” Character Sketch activity so effective? Because it asks students to use the people in their own lives as inspiration – a parent, grandparent, sibling, or friend. Pryle provides the teacher’s script, complete with student prompts.