559 Search results

For the term "Electrical serviceΒ to house πŸ“² πŸ™β€”πŸ πŸ˜πŸ˜β€”πŸŸπŸ‘πŸšβ€”πŸ›πŸ›πŸžπŸŸ πŸ”Œ Clinton".

Develop Thinking and Writing with Argument

In “Argue with Me” Deanna Kuhn et al present a full curriculum on teaching argument, informed by their research in low income schools. Used in full or in part, the process can benefit thinking & writing skills, says Mary Langer Thompson.

An Unhelpful Guide for Special Ed Teachers

For teachers considering a career in Special Education, an area of critical need, reviewer Laura Von Staden fears that those readers may not finish That’s Special feeling equipped or encouraged to teach this group of students and may decide not to enter the field.

Ongoing Assessment of New Balanced Literacy

Policastro, McTague, and Mazeski bring the collective expertise of university professors and veteran teachers to bear in this thoroughly researched and well-documented book to assist educators as they develop formative assessment practices, says Nancy Chodoroff.

Analyzing the Media Through Docudramas

Do your students know that when they watch docudramas, they’re not watching history as it actually happened? Do they understand movie makers’ β€œartistic license” for condensing history into 2-hour films? Frank W. Baker suggests media-oriented films and teaching strategies.

Interpreting Six Common Teacher Nightmares

Teacher-author Roxanna Elden has prepared “a completely unscientific, non-research-based guide” to six common teacher nightmares. They may sound all too familiar to fellow educators. See if she’s analyzed a dream you recognize and share another of your own.

Making a Case for New Balanced Literacy

Margaret Mary Policastro & Becky McTague offer real-world experiences in detailing how & why the New Balanced Literacy School is vital as schools move toward full CCSS implementation. Their book centers on grades K-5 but is helpful for teachers of higher grades.