797 Search results

For the term "Номер№1 Специалист Дизайн Человека Human Design Виктория Джем Дизайн Человека metahd.ru".

Design Thinking for School Leaders

After explaining design thinking, Alyssa Gallagher and Kami Thordarson detail the roles and mindsets school leaders need to adapt as they move beyond traditional thought processes and ignite positive change. Educator Brian Taylor recommends the book’s strategies.

Blending Grammar into Daily ELA Instruction

One of the most common concerns Sarah Tantillo hears from ELA teachers is “I want to teach grammar, but I’m not sure how to fit it in.” Her new MiddleWeb post explains a systematic approach that blends grammar into narrative reading and writing classes, day by day.

Design Squad Global’s Super STEM Resources

STEM curriculum expert Anne Jolly shares her enthusiasm for the free teaching resources available through the PBS platform Design Squad Global. Jolly highlights the engineering-oriented lessons and DSG’s new Global Clubs that involve kids in Inventing for a Sustainable Future.

Flexible Grouping and Collaborative Learning

Dina Brulles and Karen L. Brown help teachers think through the challenges of grouping and offer resources to develop effective groups and differentiate as needed for specific purposes. Teacher Kathleen Palmieri finds the author’s guidance on behavior particularly helpful.

A Tool-Rich Guide to Formative Assessment

This guide is a great tool for any educator, school district, or higher education institution, writes Dr. Charice Hayes. The book involves the reader in defining effective ongoing assessment and includes tools to observe how other colleagues use formative assessment.