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For the term "information on cheap airline tickets phone number 1-800-299-7264".

Redefining Rigor for ELA and Social Studies

Barbara R. Blackburn and Melissa Miles show how a re-interpretation of “rigor” can boost ELA and social studies engagement and learning in grades K-5. Teacher educator Linda Biondi notes the authors offer easily implemented solutions along with thought provoking questions.

Spark Motivation with the BRAVEST Strategy

Sparking Student Motivation is a tool-rich resource that educator Sarah Pennington recommends to any teacher who is open to deep self-reflection and ready to make changes in their practice and classroom culture that will increase student engagement with learning.

Leading Genius Hour with 2 Middle Schoolers

When his two middle schoolers wondered about a tree house, principal Matt Renwick’s bright idea was to engage them in an at-home Genius Hour project. His three take-aways from the experience can help us understand the teacher’s role in creative learning and risk-taking.

Offering Constructive Feedback to Teachers

For Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn the most important work principals can do is practice instructional leadership. Principals who invest time and attention on improving teaching can significantly impact student learning. See their 7 keys to constructive feedback.

How to Audit Your K-12 Literacy Curriculum

Evaluating the K-12 Literacy Curriculum is a valuable resource for facilitating teams through the overwhelming yet vital task of auditing programs, materials and instructional approaches, writes educator Abby Markley, noting its user friendly organization.

5 Reasons to Journal Online with Students

Online journaling offers students a place to document feelings, thoughts, and reactions to a variety of texts while they make personal, social and academic connections with their teacher. Rose and Walsh offer a process that can strengthen conferencing now and after Covid.