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For the term "Y Usměj se Toto〔www.rt33.top〕kód:b77〕Onexbet registrační kódƇToto ověřovací telefon🎁OlympiaడBancasinoשSlot pro zlatou rybku🤠ománská hra👻Rozvrh vysílání Major LeagueㆋKyperské kasino🥌.qfl/".

Should Students Have Personal Web Domains?

New teacher Caleb Pahl recommends Audrey Watters’ book about student ownership of domains and online content to district policy makers who make decisions in this arena – and teachers with a specific interest in how “big data” is used by education corporations.

Writing: How We Can Achieve a State of Flow

Writing flow, says author and principal Matt Renwick, is achieved through the habits one builds by regularly participating in the experience. He offers suggestions on how teacher and student writers can establish writing rhythms and find flow in their craft.

Sustaining School Innovation Year After Year

Innovation efforts never cease in today’s high-stakes school environment. But effort isn’t enough, say leadership experts Ron Williamson & Barbara Blackburn. Lasting change requires leaders to share ownership and invest long-term in professional learning support.

Combine Maker Activities and STEM Lessons

Hands-on teaching has always involved kids in “making.” But today’s focus on maker spaces is pushing making to a whole new level, nurturing students’ curiosity and creativity. Anne Jolly shows how combining maker activities and STEM lessons can boost learning.

Media Literacy: How to Watch the Debates

The presidential debates offer a unique portal to explore topics that are critically important in developing students’ media literacy skills and preparing them for responsible citizenship. Experts Frank W. Baker and Karen Zill provide an in-depth teaching guide.

3 Ways to Encourage Ownership of Learning

Ultimately, teachers have the final say in the classroom. But when they share some ownership with students, they create a true community of learners and reap benefits for themselves. Expert Barbara Blackburn shares three ideas about building student ownership.

Make This the Year You Launch Genius Hour

For teachers who have considered implementing a Genius Hour program but haven’t quite made it to launch, passion-based learning experts and #geniushour chat leaders Gallit Zvi and Denise Krebs have organized a wealth of tips and resources to get you started.