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20 Things That Great Principals Do Differently

In What Great Principals Do Differently Todd Whitaker sets out a clear and understandable path to success and demystifies some of the unique aspects of school leadership. Any school leader will find value, reinforcement, and solid advice, writes educator Becky Johnson.

Help Kids Stop Hiding Behind Literacy Masks

Cris Tovani has written a true page turner to assist all teachers with literacy strategies that will captivate their most reluctant students. “Why Do I Have to Read This?” begins with insights into the many masks of reading resistance that students wear, says Linda Biondi.

How to Audit Your K-12 Literacy Curriculum

Evaluating the K-12 Literacy Curriculum is a valuable resource for facilitating teams through the overwhelming yet vital task of auditing programs, materials and instructional approaches, writes educator Abby Markley, noting its user friendly organization.

5 Reasons to Journal Online with Students

Online journaling offers students a place to document feelings, thoughts, and reactions to a variety of texts while they make personal, social and academic connections with their teacher. Rose and Walsh offer a process that can strengthen conferencing now and after Covid.

Leadership through Connected Relationships

In Unconventional Leadership, Minnesota principal Jessica M. Cabeen offers principals extensive resources to move beyond the office and become more connected, collaborative, and creative leaders, writes social studies teacher and school PD director Becky Johnson.