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How Can We Improve the First Days of School?

Most students are excited to get back to school, but anticipate lots of rules and mundane tasks to begin the year. Why not hit the ground running? Teacher educator Curtis Chandler has ideas to create a good first impression with plenty of fun, challenge, and learning.

How to Make or Find Good STEM Lessons

What STEM lessons will you try with students this year? There’s no one, die-cut STEM curriculum that every classroom should be using, says Anne Jolly. But as teachers search for, adapt, or design projects, it helps to consider what an “ideal” STEM lesson might look like.

The Art of Reaching and Engaging Every Reader

Igniting passion in someone, especially an adolescent, is no small task. Throughout Passionate Readers Pernille Ripp takes on the task of describing how we might create conditions in which students feel a deep interest and desire to read, writes educator Claire Stein.

Tread Carefully Into the Rocky Realm of Rubrics

Rubrics should clarify both teacher and student thinking, writes classroom assessment expert Rick Wormeli. They can help mentor students as they analyze and reflect on their work, but there are cautions in their use that effective teachers will take time to investigate.

Invigorating Our Teaching of Writing and Revision

Ruth Culham’s Teach Writing Well is practical and goes step-by-step through incorporating writing traits into any classroom writing program while undergirding practice with a sense of exuberance and discovery. Reviewer Sarah Cooper can’t wait for fall to try Culham’s ideas.

STEAMy Thoughts on Blending STEM and Art

Blending in the arts is not predestined to create a failure of STEM goals, writes noted STEM author and educator Carolyn DeCristofano, who offers four reasons to consider adopting a well-designed STEAM program that protects the integrity of both STEM and arts education.