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Fostering Creativity and Innovation in Class

Jonathan Plucker’s book is for teachers and administrators who want to extend their understanding of creativity beyond the surface level and to rethink how their schools can better support their students as creative thinkers, writes teacher Claire Reddig.

Public Relations 101: Messaging that Works

What would you like for your students, families, faculty and stakeholders to know about your school? How can you be sure your messaging reaches audiences quickly and effectively? Three experienced leaders share basic tools like “smart goals” to keep your public relations plans on course.

‘TeamMakers’ Help Kids Reach for the Stars

To develop student-centered classrooms, Laura and Evan Robb believe schools and districts must build teams to both lead and empower teachers as they adapt to new demands. The Robbs outline strategies to support the shift, from redefining roles to fostering teacher agency.

The How and Why of Dual Language Programs

The 2nd edition of “Dual Language Essentials” shows how dual language programs promote academic development, mastery of two languages, and cross-cultural understanding. Teacher Jacqueline Barreras is already adding its extensive resources to her planning for the year.

STEM Lessons Sparked by Real World Problems

Just how do you build a STEM lesson around a real-world challenge? While there’s no single answer to that question, STEM expert Anne Jolly shares a STEM lesson she and a math colleague designed around a local environmental challenge. Helpful tips and resources included!

Helping Students with Mental Challenges

From the classroom to the whole school, Dr. Myles Cooley’s revised Practical Guide for Mental Health and Learning Disorders will help new and veteran educators understand specific student challenges and support kids affected by them, writes educator Elizabeth OBrien.