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Fun Weekly Challenges Kept School Spirit Alive

How can we keep a positive school climate and culture during remote learning? Chris Edwards, the 7th grade assistant principal at Kreps Middle School, created a grade-wide Google Classroom for students and teachers and staged weekly competitions best described as crazy and fun. It worked!

Leadership Planning for Uncertain Times Ahead

Looking ahead to the new school year, it’s critical that school leaders have comprehensive plans ready for implementation if more large-scale remote learning is required. Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn underscore the need to fully involve parents and teachers in the process.

Yes, You Are Teaching…

If you’re like teacher Dina Strasser, you may be wondering if your online classes add up to teaching. Yes, she says. You’ve adapted on the fly – suddenly providing virtual school to students who just weeks before greeted you at the classroom door. See if her real-life snippets match your experience.

Teachers Reflect on the Pandemic School Year

After weeks of deciphering digital teaching and supporting students in new ways, educators are reflecting on their changed worlds. Principal Rita Platt reached out to collect some of their thoughts on the challenges, the silver linings, and their concerns about public education’s future.

Supporting the Emotional Health of Our Students

The future may be uncertain but the mental health of our students shouldn’t be. Teacher, author and mentor Cathleen Beachboard describes how – through a focus on communication, consistency and control – educators can begin to help young people regain their sense of safety.