960 Search results

For the term "T Race Toto{WWW,RT33,TOP}kódb77}cd tondela🚟Tunézia fogadásŹwinjoy hold'em̊Baccarat játékszabályok㍡New Balance Maraton🧆Socasinoηmint a Roma foci❾Foci Toto döntetlen/vereség ütemezés eredménye🔥.kkj/".

Debunking Myths About How the Brain Learns

Neuromyths serves as an important reference for teachers who want to sort through competing claims before jumping on the brain-based bandwagon, writes teacher Mary K. Marsh. The book provokes teachers into questioning what really makes an approach neurologically based.

Share Your Education Expertise with the World

Sharing Your Education Expertise with the World helps educators contribute their professional know-how to the larger education community. NBCT Rita Platt reports it is packed with great tips and resources for educators to widen spheres of influence and accelerate careers.

Kids Are Telling Us: ‘We Value Caring Teachers’

The 2018 State of the Kid survey by the Highlights organization reveals appreciation for teachers is increasing among kids aged 6-12. And tweens are finding their voice and aspire to use it for change. But areas of concern remain, explains Editor in Chief Christine Cully.

Helping Students Who Do Poorly on Purpose

Doing Poorly on Purpose by G&T specialist Dr. James Delisle explores how to help smart students who do poorly in school. Many of the ideas can be effective with any student, says teacher Elizabeth OBrien. Strategies include reaching underachievers and “selective customers.”

Not Light, But Fire: Talking Race in Class

Reading “Not Light, But Fire” inspired Sarah Cooper to change the way she frames conversations about current events and history – which very often involve race, ethnicity, religion, politics and other incendiary topics – to build understanding, not emotion.

When Values and Mission Guide Your Decisions

Being mindful of what is driving the decisions we make as educators is valuable. A good place to start is by defining our own core values. New principal Rita Platt shares a method for distilling those values and tells how she applied hers to several school decisions.

How to Be Heard Worldwide from Your Classroom

Whatever you know, sharing it outside school walls can inform policymakers, journalists, the public, other teachers, researchers, and professors – who can use your classroom discoveries to better serve students. Educator and writer Jenny Grant Rankin shows how.

A Comprehensive Look at Responsive Literacy

Responsive Literacy’s 400 pages are well worth the read, writes Linda Biondi. Each of the contributing teacher educators present a theoretical framework and practical tools to apply in the classroom and guidance on how to help young students develop a love of literacy. Five stars.