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For the term "cheap airline tickets from rdu to detroit mi phone number 1-800-299-7264".

The Principal as Human Resources Leader

K-12 and higher education veteran M. Scott Norton has written a book about the human resources role of principals. Retired principal Mary Langer Thompson finds the resources on school climate helpful, but disagrees that principals should take on major HR responsibilities.

Homework Checks or Frequent Math Quizzes?

This fall Michelle Russell implemented a new policy of assigning but not checking math homework, and then checking homework understanding with short quizzes. After 15 weeks of school, she’s ready to share the results so far. Learn her “good, bad, and ugly” findings.

Diverse Books Help Kids Discover Social Justice

When teachers choose literature that widens the lens on life, students discover how to reach beyond their experiences, reading between the lines, walking in others’ shoes, breaking down walls, and realizing they can act to affect the world, says teacher Bridget Suvansri.

Jim Burke’s Companion to the Literacy Standards

Full to the brim with useful information, master teacher Jim Burke’s book is a must-have for teachers who are looking for ways to unpack their literacy standards and find deeper meaning. Erin Corrigan-Smith says it’s also ideal for those who want quick access to the essentials.

Here’s How You Can Help Students Set Goals

Educators talk about giving students “voice, choice and agency,” says NBCT Rita Platt, but how does that actually happen in a practical, curriculum-friendly way? Platt believes the secret is teaching students to set goals. Learn about her 5-step process (tools included).