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Barricade Yourself from Burnout Starting Now

Where there are challenges, there are also opportunities for creativity, novelty, and adventure to put a barricade between us and burnout. Stephanie Farley offers strategies to help teachers avoid or at least soften the sense of emotional exhaustion that leads to collapse.

Labor Day Past & Present

Help students discover Labor Day’s origin and the United States labor movement’s past triumphs and current challenges in this MiddleWeb resource roundup. You’ll find resources for history, current events, English Language Arts and civics classes, across grades 4-8.

Infuse Your Classroom with Meaning and Fun

To infuse classrooms with meaning, relevance and lots of fun, Stephanie Farley suggests ways to keep teaching student-centered: develop essential questions, make connections, and assess for learning not just grading. A super summer read, writes consultant Cathy Gassenheimer

Coaching Math Teachers in Collaborative Teams

As math coaches and other instructional leaders begin to think about the upcoming school year, they may want to consider Nicora Placa’s teacher team-building activity. It sets the foundation for a successful year of learning collaboratively and improving student group work.

Integrating Arts in ELA: Creating 2-Voice Poems

Writing poems for two voices lets student researchers delve deep into multiple sources and unearth differing perspectives. Jenn Bogard and Lisa Donovan offer a sample poem based on Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother image, merging the stories of the photographer and the subject.

PLCs Help Teachers to Plan Collaboratively

Michael Roberts demonstrates his understanding that proficient students can be taken to higher levels that keep them motivated and inquisitive. The learning extensions and planning strategies he provides will help educators do just that, writes teacher Jacqueline Barreras.