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Is Digital Literacy the Most Important Kid Skill?

To help students be ready for the challenges of their digital connections, infrequent workshops at school aren’t enough. Media educator and producer Diana Graber outlines what kids need to know and how to provide the curriculum to build competence and protect futures.

A Leadership Framework That Includes Teachers

Whitaker, Zoul and Casas present a clear four-part framework to build leadership skills, stressing the importance of having a vision and taking the first step. Educator Laura Von Staden notes the standards relate both to teachers and to leaders identified by title.

Beers/Probst: Fake News & Responsible Reading

In an era of fake news and “alternate facts” how do we teach kids to read responsibly? Respected literacy authors Kylene Beers and Robert Probst share three Big Questions that students can use to anchor themselves as they examine nonfiction and their own values.

First Aid for Teacher Burnout: A Must-Read

Jenny Grant Rankin’s First Aid for Teacher Burnout: How You Can Find Peace and Success is the perfect salve for the tired teacher’s soul. This short book is packed full of great ideas to relieve, rejuvenate, and energize, says teacher-librarian Rita Platt.

Tips for Working with Millennial Teachers

Baby Boomer teachers are rapidly retiring and being replaced by members of Generation Y or “Millennials” who hold very different beliefs about the workplace and the way principals work with them. Ronald Williamson and Barbara Blackburn share ideas to help them thrive.