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Use Multimedia Writing to Change the Game

When students blend multimedia elements into their writing projects, interest and engagement can zoom up, writes teacher-author Sean Ruday. Ruday highlights a five-step process he uses in PD workshops to help teachers make the tech meaningful and not maddening.

A 5-Tray Filing System Every Teacher Needs

Now that the blizzard of late semester papers has (probably) diminished, do you feel the need for a quick fix to your class organization regimen? Author/educator Roxanna Elden avoids excessive precision in structuring a practical 5-tray process to get you started.

BRAVO Principals Lead Through Relationships

BRAVO Principal, with its reflection questions and support exercises, is an effective resource for keeping school leaders centered on what matters most to promote the success of each of our students in our learning organizations, writes MS principal Dennis Schug.

140 Twitter Tips Help Educators Get Connected

Reviewer Laura Von Staden believes every educator can gain innumerable resources and make valuable connections by using Twitter. She highlights some of the basic and advanced Twitter tips in this book by teacher-experts Brad Currie, Billy Krakower and Scott Rocco.

Limited Funding Doesn’t Have to Limit You

No school or district is immune from a future defined by declining resources. Leadership consultants Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn share four research-based strategies to help educators make the most of a challenging financial climate and serve all kids.

Challenging ELA Activities & Extensions

Gifted and advanced fifth graders will find the four units in this book – fiction and nonfiction – packed with graphic organizers, tech, and student discourse. Each unit focuses on a text exemplar. Instructional coach Donna Wall says the units provide suitable rigor.

Effective Principals Must Listen, Learn & Lead

Russell Quaglia advocates for “principal voice” using a creative Three L’s framework, surfacing our awareness of things that we know are good leadership practices. Former principal Rick Jetter finds Quaglia’s tips and take-aways thoughtful and easy to implement.