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Solving Challenges Teachers Face Now

Discover solutions to common class and school challenges in Education Write Now, Volume III, which brings together the expertise of ten writers. It’s a perfect book for right now as teachers deal with extra stress and search for quick and effective solutions, writes Linda Biondi.

Deepen Learning with Movement and More

In “Activate: Deeper Learning Through Movement, Talk, and Flexible Classrooms” Katherine Mills Hernandez shows how we can be strategic and novel in our use of movement to support student learning. Elisa Waingort says the book is an important contribution to teacher PD.

Optimize Your Teaching with the FRAME Model

Peg Grafwallner’s Ready to Learn is packed with ah-ha moments and resources to help any teacher up their game using FRAME: Focus, Reach, Ask, Model, and Encourage. Rita Platt feels the common sense approach to framing lessons will build student buy-in and deepen learning.

3 Tools That Improve Long-Term Behaviors

Reflective and restorative practices are not new, writes middle school administrator Sara Johnson, but the pandemic has created an even greater need to view discipline as a tool to guide and support the social-emotional learning of tweens and teens. Here’s how Sara does it.

Active Literacy Strategies Across the Curriculum

In Active Literacy Across the Curriculum Heidi Hayes Jacobs focuses on the crucial function of literacy in all learning regardless of age or content area. 7th grade teacher Theresa Wood says Jacobs knows what works and shows how to move forward without losing what we value.

Helping Kids Develop Their Cognitive Immunity

Teacher Gillian Mertens and her colleagues recommend educators do more than help students debunk social media misinformation they find. Instead, the goal is for students to recognize why the information was believed by so many people, thereby developing greater resistance for themselves.