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Variety and Spice: Our Top 10 Posts of 2019

We asked Google Analytics to find the 10 most-read posts published at MiddleWeb during 2019. We love the variety and the solid advice. Every contributor has been a successful classroom teacher who loves to collaborate with colleagues. Here they are, in no particular order.

4 Online Ideas for Civics and Current Events

For social studies teachers, incorporating civics and current events is an important part of the job, says teacher and civics blogger Brian Rock. “Your task is, ultimately, to help grow and develop the next generation of citizens.” He suggests four helpful online resources.

Learning Through Play: Perfect for Middle School

When we use verbal, imaginative, and conceptual play as touchstones for our planning and teaching in middle school, we help students look forward to learning and school itself, say educators Chris and Katie Cunningham. Their idea-rich post offers many jumping-off points.