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Spark Motivation with the BRAVEST Strategy

Sparking Student Motivation is a tool-rich resource that educator Sarah Pennington recommends to any teacher who is open to deep self-reflection and ready to make changes in their practice and classroom culture that will increase student engagement with learning.

Boost Literacy Learning with Podcasts Kids Love

Similar to the benefits of class read-alouds and independent reading, podcasts can be incorporated as a way to increase students’ understanding of stories and information, with kids often making “text to self” connections. Kathie Palmieri includes sources and favorites.

20 Things That Great Principals Do Differently

In What Great Principals Do Differently Todd Whitaker sets out a clear and understandable path to success and demystifies some of the unique aspects of school leadership. Any school leader will find value, reinforcement, and solid advice, writes educator Becky Johnson.

Deep Learning Strategies for Online Math Classes

Pandemic teaching has led grades 5/6 math teacher Mona Iehl to adapt proven practices from her regular classroom for her virtual teaching. Using the Nearpod app, she prioritizes community building and discussion while simplifying lesson designs. Her video shows her strategies in action!

Students Have Hybrid Tips for Teachers

Middle schoolers share what they think teachers need to know about hybrid learning, with tips for improving learning in the mix of in-person and online classes. It’s the experiences at home – being heard, having time to use tech properly – that garner the most criticism.

Help Kids Stop Hiding Behind Literacy Masks

Cris Tovani has written a true page turner to assist all teachers with literacy strategies that will captivate their most reluctant students. “Why Do I Have to Read This?” begins with insights into the many masks of reading resistance that students wear, says Linda Biondi.

Offering Constructive Feedback to Teachers

For Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn the most important work principals can do is practice instructional leadership. Principals who invest time and attention on improving teaching can significantly impact student learning. See their 7 keys to constructive feedback.