614 Search results

For the term "Delta Airlines 1800-299-7264 Check Existing Reservation".

Rummaging Around LOC.gov for Text Sets

Text sets can help kids enrich their studies in any content area. MS teacher Kevin Hodgson tells how teachers are using Library of Congress primary resources to create engaging text sets that help students contextualize the present by exploring the past.

Bring Story to the Center of Literacy Learning

Throughout her book “Story” Katie Egan Cunningham shows how stories remain at the center of literacy learning, says teacher-reviewer Linda Biondi, touching the lives of all children and blending seamlessly into curriculum standards.

Make a Fresh Start after Winter Break

The first days back after the holiday are a perfect time to strengthen behavior and culture in active classrooms. Libby Woodfin shares text and video tips that teachers can use to make the transition smooth and set the tone for the rest of the school year.

Vocabulary Lessons to Boost Comprehension

Novice and veteran teachers who are looking for real text for students to read to build vocabulary and understanding will find fully developed, brief daily lessons in Laura Robb’s book. Reviewer Cindi Syverson also recommends the quality online resources.

Intrinsic Motivation Helps Learners Thrive

Helping students build intrinsic motivation is at the center of Larry Ferlazzo’s Building a Community of Self-Motivated Learners, says reviewer Laura Von Staden. Topics include classroom management, sparking interest in ELA, transfer of skills, and healthy lifestyle.

Mathematical Fiction: A Novel Look at Numbers

Children’s writer and systems engineer Robert Black, who is finishing his third mathematical novel for middle schoolers, describes the challenges of making math stories engaging and offers tips for students and teachers interested in the new fiction genre.

7 Tech Tools for Fast Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is good practice, as every teacher knows, says tech consultant Curtis Chandler, but finding time to measure individual student understanding is challenging. Chandler offers seven apps that can make the practice both routine and engaging.