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How You Can Support Genius Hour At Home

What is Genius Hour? It’s a learning opportunity that gives students time to pursue their passions, explore interesting ideas and create something that they choose and will be proud of. Can we engage students during the pandemic via distance learning? Yes! Here’s how.

Talking Frankly with Our Middle Grades Kids

Creating opportunities for frank and healthy student conversations about social issues is especially significant as we face a global pandemic that affirms our humanity. Middle grades teacher Nancy Costanzo’s read alouds and writing ideas can help online and in class.

Purpose and Passion through Design Thinking

Dr. Lindsay Portnoy’s sound research, detailed checklists, and illustrative classroom stories in “Designed to Learn” will inspire you to fine-tune or jump-start your design thinking approach to instruction, writes teacher, author and curriculum leader Sarah Cooper.

Expanding Our Idea of What Writing Should Be

In Writing, Redefined Shawna Coppola proposes alternatives (comics, podcasts, etc.) to traditional writing assignments to welcome the students who aren’t drawn to essays and book reviews. Literacy coach Pam Hamilton likes the ideas but wonders if teachers are ready for them.

Fresh Learning Designs for Uncertain Times

Design thinking allows students to own the knowledge they’re acquiring by connecting content in meaningful ways to their homes, the activities they engage in, their reasons for learning, their transformative life experiences, and their special attributes. Dr. Lindsay Portnoy explains.