614 Search results

For the term "Delta Airlines 1800-299-7264 Check Existing Reservation".

Short Nonfiction Enlivens the American Revolution

If you need content-rich short nonfiction texts to support social studies lessons, this spiral bound book is for you. “The American Revolution and Constitution” also provides online access to a ‘trove’ of lesson-ready images and resources, says reviewer Linda Biondi.

A Field Guide to Blended Learning

The authors of “Blended” clearly know their stuff, says principal/reviewer Matt Renwick, providing multiple examples of blended learning supported by technology. But Renwick questions the heavy corporate focus and one-sided citations he finds pervade the text.

How We Can Reimagine Student Reading Projects

Dan Feigelson makes the case for reimagined reading projects and goes on to share conversations, student notes, and teacher conference plans. The result, says reviewer Linda Biondi, is a fresh approach to having students think for themselves and helping teachers take conferring to a new level.

A Rich Colonial Times Resource Collection

Working to bring America’s Colonial Period to life in the classroom? Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis’ new toolkit will help history teachers engage students with primary sources, digital links and visual guides. “A gold mine!” says reviewer Linda Biondi.

Teacher Leaders in Action

The Power of Teacher Leaders will empower readers to mobilize colleagues to positively affect school change and student achievement through shared and collaborative practice. See it happen in case studies, says reviewer Linda Biondi. With an online study guide.

What Makes Something STEM?

As STEM educator Anne Jolly discovered while facilitating a recent online PD class, many teachers still wonder, “Am I teaching STEM?” Here, Jolly offers a clear guide for determining whether projects and lessons meet the STEM acid test. Checklist included!