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For the term "Karnak City 1-800-239-6733 Flower delivery phone number".

How to Make Homework Meaningful for Students

This fall, as school districts scattered around the country are considering “no homework” policies, teacher educator Curtis Chandler looks at research on whether and how homework can support learning and suggests teaching apps to help make it short, meaningful, and accessible.

Why Talk About Mistakes in Math Class?

Why talk about mistakes in math class? Nancy C. Anderson has the answer in her book “What’s Right About Wrong Answers.” Resource teacher Kimberly Mueller says Anderson’s activities can help students learn how to analyze their mistakes and develop a growth mindset.

Using a Daybook to Promote Student Writing

When low-risk, high-interest writing becomes a daily habit for all of your students, whatever your content area, they’ll discover the powerful write-think-learn connection. Teacher-author and NBCT Mary Tedrow shares her classroom-tested “daybook” method for getting started.

How Open-Ended Math Problems Keep on Giving

Imagine an open-ended math task that gets students asking questions as well as answering them. Jerry Burkhart shows how a problem like this can help teachers differentiate instruction for advanced students while stimulating curiosity and perseverance for all learners.

How to Build Effective Student Teams

If you are a STEM teacher, you’ve likely made productive teamwork one of your goals. Just as likely, you’ve probably learned that simply putting kids in groups does not automatically make this happen. Anne Jolly shares a step by step process to build successful teams.

Teachers: Plan to Care for Yourself This Year

Amid the enthusiasm and anticipation that typically infuse the start of school, author Debbie Silver shares advice to help teachers plan a successful year by choosing actions that will decrease stress, build stamina, and make sure they take care of themselves first.