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For the term "Delta Airlines 1800-299-7264 Check Existing Reservation".

Boost Students’ Skills and Passion for Reading

To teach students to master standards while also cultivating a love of reading, Laura Robb offers new ideas and resources and a new outlook on old practices in Increase Reading Volume. It is exactly what teachers need for their reading blocks, says literacy leader Sarah Valter.

How UDL Can Help Us Elevate Our CoTeaching

The reality of teaching in a co-teacher role was sometimes a rough ride, writes author and co-teaching coach Elizabeth Stein. Three things helped keep her strong, and one of them proved to be the key to solving all her co-teaching puzzles: the Universal Design for Learning.

Integrating Arts in ELA: Creating 2-Voice Poems

Writing poems for two voices lets student researchers delve deep into multiple sources and unearth differing perspectives. Jenn Bogard and Lisa Donovan offer a sample poem based on Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother image, merging the stories of the photographer and the subject.

Leadership Tips for Summer Collaboration

Summer is not only a chance to relax and recharge but a great time to collaborate with colleagues, writes consultant Elisa B. MacDonald. Whether you are leading a retreat or planning with grade-level teammates, keep these four intentions at the center of your facilitation.

Frequent Conferring with Readers Yields Rewards

There are many reasons for quick one-to-one reading conferences in the middle grades, write Brenda Krupp and Lynne Dorfman. Conferring helps teachers strengthen connections with students as they learn about each reader’s interests, strengths, progress and immediate needs.

Opening the Doors to Girls’ STEM Success

We have a severe shortage of tech workers that’s growing geometrically. Today, women make up just 27% of people in STEM careers. How do we finally get girls fully engaged in STEM? Anne Jolly shares a series of questions and tips that can guide STEM teachers and school leaders.